Artist’s Promise


Here are my simple goals and reminders to enrich my private and professional life. They help guide my work, my attitude, and my worldview



There are very few issues that cannot be addressed with sufficient application of respect.  Respect for yourself, respect for your staff, your employers, your product. Respect for your equipment and your processes.  Ultimately my respect for the human next to me will prevent miscommunications, conflicts, mistakes, and facilitate safe high-quality work.



I will examine my work through a practical lens and not cling to theory or tradition.  I will not continue failure for the sake of sentimentality or convenience. I will approach every problem with my past experience, but also recognize that every challenge has a unique solution.  I will always consider solutions better than my current plan and pride will take no place in evaluating success.



There is no person on the planet who does not know something I don’t know.  Further, there is no way to tell what information will impact you or relate to your current skillset until you learn it.  I will be a lifelong student, and I will strive to learn from the skilled people around me regardless of their position or rank.  



Nothing ever got done without taking the first step, and no one ever became a master without being an amateur. I will consider and act on the understanding that trying and failing a new skill is the first step in succeeding. I will remember that every day is a chance to start my life’s most important work, but only if I start today.



Success in the long term is achieved by a thousand little successes every day.  I will set a high standard for the little things, from making my bed to cleaning my shop to maintaining my friendships and relationships.  Regular attention to detail allows for sustainability and prevents buildup and burnout. I will keep my house in order before I try to build a new one.



We are all products of our environments.  I will strive to be surrounded by people wiser, happier, smarter, and more skilled than myself.  I will also the be kind of person others can come to for expertise, encouragement, and support. I will endeavor to have a positive attitude even in the face of adversity and thereby influence those around me to smile during challenges.